Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This evening after work it took me longer to get home by vehicle than it would have had I walked.

World, this is unacceptable. Using public transport that takes basically the most direct route between my house and my work, I was trapped in a hell of my own devising. Car people, have you tried: learning alternative routes? I promise they exist. They might even get you to your location faster and break the monotony of your pitiful life.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Umbrella Stupidity

So, the day is wet. You have your umbrella. It's cold and windy and generally a miserable day. However, at this moment in time it is no longer raining. Is your umbrella still up? Are you taking up far more room on the footpath than your really should be? Are you almost poking people in the eye because you're in your own little world?

Then you have just made me rage. Are you so insanely oblivious to the world that you don't realise when you need protection and when you don't? Or is it that you're too afraid of the individual droplets that barely qualify as rain?

Either way, I hate you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Inaugural Rage

Hi there and welcome to The Capn's Daily Rage. The entire idea of this blog is for me to inform you, dear reader, of what is giving me the shits in a somewhat amusing manner. Hopefully I can do a small yet fun update every single day, giving you a reason to come back many, many times.

Can I do this? Is this a realistic goal?
I don't know.

In the short term, absolutely not, I have university things due in the upcoming weeks, but I intend to update at least a few times during that period. After that, it's free range rage.

Now for the first rage.

People who start blogs and then never post in them, taking up that name for all eternity. DailyRage and TheDailyRage, my first two options for the URL have been taken for 6 and 5 years respectively without posting a single fucking thing.
I'm not sure if you're better or worse than people who start retarded blogs that no one cares about, or could care about, and continue to update them incessantly, ignoring the fact that the rest of the internet is quietly wishing death upon them.